Terms Beginning With 'V'
V-Shaped Recovery
V2X (Vehicle-to-Vehicle or Vehicle-to-Infrastructure)
VA Loan
Vacancy Rate
Vacation Home
Validation Code
Valoren Number
Valuable Papers Insurance
Valuation Analysis
Valuation Clause
Valuation Mortality Table
Valuation Period
Valuation Premium
Valuation Reserve
Value Added
Value Added Monthly Index (VAMI)
Value-Added Network (VAN)
Value-Added Resellers (VAR)
Value-Added Tax (VAT)
Value at Risk (VaR)
Value Averaging
Value-Based Pricing
Value Chain
Value Change
Value Date
Value Deflation
Value Engineering
Value Fund
Value Investing
Value Line Composite Index
Value Network
Value Network Analysis
Value of Risk (VOR)
Value Proposition
Value Reporting Form
Value Stock
Value Trap
Valued Marine Policy: What It Is, How It Works
Valued Policy Law (VPL)
Vancouver Stock Exchange (Van): What It Is, How It Works
Vandalism and Malicious Mischief Insurance
Vanguard Exchange-Traded Funds: How it Works, Types
Vanilla Option
Vanilla Strategy: What it is, How it Works, Example
Vanishing Premium: What It Is, How It Works, Example
Vanishing Premium Policy: Meaning, History, Examples
VantageScore: Meaning, Model, Components
Variable Annuitization: What It is, How it Works
Variable Annuity
Variable Benefit Plan: What It Means, History
Variable Cost
Variable Cost-Plus Pricing
Variable Cost Ratio
Variable Coupon Renewable Note (VCR)
Variable Death Benefit
Variable Interest Entities (VIE)
Variable Interest Rate
Variable Life Insurance
Variable Overhead
Variable Overhead Efficiency Variance
Variable Overhead Spending Variance
Variable Prepaid Forward Contracts
Variable Price Limit
Variable-Rate Certificate of Deposit
Variable-Rate Demand Bond
Variable Rate Demand Note (VRDN)
Variable Rate Mortgage
Variable Ratio Write
Variable Survivorship Life Insurance
Variable Universal Life Insurance (VUL)
Variance Equation
Variance Inflation Factor
Variance Swap
Variation Margin
Vasicek Interest Rate Model
Vault Receipt
Veblen Good
Vega Neutral
Vehicle Excise Duty (VED)
Velocity of Money
Vendor Financing: Definition, How It Works, Pros, and Cons
Vendor Note: Meaning, Terms, Pros and Cons
Vendor Take-Back Mortgage
What Is a Venn Diagram? Components, Examples, and Applications
Venture Capital
Venture-Capital-Backed IPO
Venture Capital Funds
Venture Capital Trust (VCT): Meaning, Types, Example
Venture Capitalist (VC)
Venture Philanthropy: What it Means, How it Works, Origins
Verge (XVG): Overview and Examples of Cryptocurrency
Versioning: What it Means, How it Works, Examples
Vertical Analysis
Vertical Equity
Vertical Integration: How It Works, Types, and Examples
Vertical Line Charting
Vertical Market
Vertical Merger
Vertical Spread
Vertical Well
Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT)
Vest Fleece
Vested Benefit
Vested Benefit Obligation (VBO)
Vested Interest
Veterans Administration
Veterans Group Life Insurance (VGLI)
Viatical Settlement
Vicarious Liability
Vice Fund
Video Conferencing
Vienna Stock Exchange (WBAG) .VI
Vintage Year
Viral Marketing
Viral Website
Virtual Assistant
Virtual Currency
Virtual Data Room (VDR)
Virtual Good
Virtual Office
Virtual Reality
Vis Major
Visa Card
Visible Supply
Vision Care Insurance
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
Vitalik Buterin
VIX (CBOE Volatility Index)
VIX Option
Vladimir Lenin
Vocational Degree
Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP)
Void Contract
Void Transaction
Voidable Contract
Volatility Arbitrage
Volatility Quote Trading
Volatility Ratio
Volatility Skew
Volatility Smile
Volatility Swap
Volcker Rule
Volume Analysis
Volume Discount
Volume of Trade
Volume Price Trend Indicator (VPT)
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
Volumetric Production Payment (VPP)
Voluntary Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance (VAD&D)
Voluntary Accumulation Plan
Voluntary Bankruptcy
Voluntary Compliance
Voluntary Conveyance
Voluntary Employees' Beneficiary Association (VEBA)
Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association Plan
Voluntary Export Restraint (VER)
Voluntary Foreclosure
Voluntary Lien
Voluntary Life Insurance
Voluntary Liquidation
Voluntary Plan Termination
Voluntary Reserve
Voluntary Simplicity
Voluntary Termination
Voluntary Trust
Voodoo Accounting
Voodoo Economics
Vortex Indicator (VI)
Vostro Account
Voting Shares
Voting Trust
Voting Trust Agreements
Voting Trust Certificate
Voucher Check
Voyage Policies
Vulture Capitalist
Vulture Fund
VWAP Cross
VXN (CBOE Nasdaq Volatility Index)